The Participatory Youth Leadership Network

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An Invitation to Collaborate

Youth organisations of India and beyond, we invite you to collaborate in the development of a new community of practice in India – the Participatory Youth Leadership Network (PYLN).

About the Network

The Participatory Youth Leadership Network is a dedicated network for youth organisations all across India to collaborate and share best practice in the areas of participatory leadership and civic engagement.

As part of the network, members will gain valuable insights, skills, knowledge and contacts to help achieve their youth organisation’s goals in the most innovative and democratic ways.

The network will be divided into two parts – external collaboration and internal collaboration.

External collaboration involves a comprehensive programme of free webinars, workshops, training sessions and networking on topics such as inclusive leadership, constructive argumentation, theory of change and values-centred approaches. This programme will be attended by youth organisations in India, Citizen OS and our international contributors.

Internal collaboration involves organisations forming their own steering groups and deciding their own agendas using the civic tools provided by Citizen OS Foundation. However, the use of the Citizen OS platform is strictly voluntary, members are free to use any platform that they mutually agree upon.

Network Members

Membership is open to all organisations that work towards youth empowerment and/or youth engagement in India, as well as youth leaders (individuals). There is no age restriction for community members.

Anyone from the member organisations (including volunteers and interns) are welcome to collaborate with us. Certificates of participation will also available upon request.

Program Contributors

International contributors who would like to use this opportunity to reflect upon or share best practices are welcome to participate.

The Future

We are looking at developing a more global network in the future.

The Background

Currently, both India and Estonia are making significant progress in the area of e-governance projects. However, our analysis has been that there is a gap in India and Estonia and across the world, when it comes to technology-driven citizen participation that is truly ‘bottom-up’.

The Participatory Youth Leadership Network will look at broader applications of design thinking and value-sensitive design to address gaps in participatory leadership.

Platform Objectives

The overall objective of the Participatory Youth Leadership Network is to enable structured collaboration between member organisations on the topics of participation, inclusive leadership and civic engagement.

This collaboration occurs through:

  • Planning and gap analysis workshops
  • Leadership and argumentation training
  • Project presentations and feedback sessions

Platform Values

Equal opportunities for participation

The creation of equal opportunities for participation for all citizens, and bridging participation gaps that may occur as a direct or indirect consequence of marginalisation.

Empowering youth leaders

Empowering youth leaders through shared knowledge, mentorship and facilitated collaboration with the youth organisations they are part of.

Bringing different opinions together

Making democratic collective decisions about the development of the network, building trust and communication among members.


Sign up for Network!

We invite you to be a part of the network by registering your interest.

Simply leave your details below to secure your spot and receive further updates about the event. We look forward to your participation!

Get in touch!

Picture of Sara Sinha

Sara Sinha

Project coordinator

With any questions or comments, please contact

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